Friday, August 26, 2011

I just found out I had this....

So if you stumble upon this blog, welcome to the worm hole.

A few things have happened in the past few years, since i saw that recently scalped scalp...

I graduated college, again
Moved to Austin
Started Slinging Ice Cream
My mom died.

Not a great list, it's actually a sad list i guess in a way so to the items!

Gradation: Awesome feeling to be done, not so awesome is the piles of debt I now own.
Moved: I love it here, only not the heat. but I've met some amazing friends.
Ice cream: honestly love this job. this is where ive met most of these awesome people
This ones touchy, as my mom and I didnt have the worlds best relationship, but you only get one mom (unless you're mom likes moms then you could have two...) I miss her. Every day I miss her. But out of this i have found some great people in my life that i know will be there with me through the shit like this. And some people ran away, I tell them good bye, you really are not worth my time. I treat my friends like gold and well, you're a fucking lump of coal, you have no hope of becoming a diamond. And you know who you are....

This is my mom and about 6 months before she passed. We have the same smile.

My mom at about a year... so adorable.

Now that I have found this, maybe ill start using it.

-thats all i have today on this Friday. Until next time friends.


Tuesday, August 7, 2007


yesterday I:

had a sammich

locked myself out of the house, had to break back in

saw a scalp, recently scalped

watched a dog eat a head

saw Franco and gave him a book.

That was my monday.